Smart Cities Innovation Hub

A Living Lab where innovations are developed and tested

Start-ups and SMEs solving big city challenges

Creating sustainable places to live, work, and visit

We have been a keen follower and supporter of the Smart Cities work that Leeds and the City Region have pioneered in recent years and we are delighted to be able to take this a step further by bringing forward plans to create a dedicated Smart Cities Innovation Hub at White Rose Park in Leeds.

Working in collaboration with Leeds City Council we have developed exciting plans that will create a ‘living lab’ environment at White Rose Park, where innovation and new technology can be developed and tested prior to wider scale deployment to create improved services and better lives for our citizens.

The Leeds Smart Cities Innovation Hub wants the brightest minds and innovators from both the UK and the world, to help solve our major challenges and create sustainable places to live, work, and visit.

Our ambition is to develop an ecosystem that will promote collaboration between public, private, third and academic sectors and provide a space for new and established organisations to develop and test innovative and scalable solutions. The Hub will also provide dedicated training space where people can learn new digital skills through the delivery of partnership programmes and, in turn, support LCC in their Inclusive Growth agenda to ensure everyone can participate in, and benefit from the region’s prosperity.

It is our aim to have the building fully operational in 2025 with projects in the IOT (Internet of Things) space happening throughout 2023/24 as we rebuild the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.